Measures at Miyazaki International College for the Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities
1. Responsibility Management Structure
Based on the “Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct, Etc., in Research Activities” (as determined by the Minister of MEXT on August 26, 2014) issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Miyazaki International College (MIC) established the “Basic Response Guidelines for Acts of Misconduct in Research Activities” and “Regulations Regarding the Prevention of Acts of Misconduct, etc., in Research Activities.” Responsibilities, authority, etc., have been established to preempt acts of misconduct within research activities and to respond to specific acts of misconduct (forgery, falsification, plagiarism, etc.) within research activities, and we herewith publish these as follows:
Chief Administrative Officer
Title | President |
Responsibilities and authority | The President bears the final responsibility for overall control at Miyazaki International College, as regards the prevention of acts of misconduct. Further, the General Administrator and Compliance Promotion Officers (designated below) have responsibilities as stated below, and demonstrate appropriate leadership that enables the prevention of acts of misconduct, etc. |
General Administrator
Title | Vice-President |
Responsibilities and authority | The General Administrator shall assist the Chief Administrative Officer, and has the practical responsibility and authority for overall control at Miyazaki International College regarding the prevention of acts of misconduct. |
Compliance Promotion Officers
Title | Dean of the School of International Liberal Arts, the Dean of the School of Education, and the Administrative Director |
Responsibilities and authority | The Compliance Promotion Officers have the practical responsibility and authority regarding the prevention of acts of misconduct within each department, etc., of Miyazaki International College. |
2. Miyazaki International College’s Code of Conduct for Researchers, etc.
Miyazaki International College, referring to the “Code of Conduct for Scientists” and its revised version (published October 3, 2006, and revised January 25, 2013) issued by the Science Council of Japan, has established and hereby publishes its Code of Conduct, which must be conformed to by researchers and persons who support said researchers in the pursuit of academic research using public research funds.
【Related regulations, etc.】
(1) “Code of Conduct for Scientists” and its Revised Version
(2) Miyazaki International College Guidelines for the Realization of a Researcher Code of Conduct
(3) Miyazaki International College Researcher Code of Conduct
3. Miyazaki International College’s Basic Matters concerning Misconduct, and Measures for Improving Awareness
Miyazaki International College, as regards research activities using public research funds, has established basic matters including the necessary definitions, systems, procedures, etc., for the handling of complaints, accusations, etc., so as to prevent acts of misconduct within said research activities, and to undertake appropriate responses in cases of acts of misconduct. Further, MIC also implements regular compliance education sessions for the prevention of acts of misconduct.
【Related Regulations, etc.】
(3) Miyazaki International College Videos on Research Ethics and Compliance Education Regarding Public Research Funds (concerning the prevention of research and research fund misconduct and research ethics) (for inhouse use only)
4. Handling of and Penalties for Cases of Misconduct
• Repayment of public research funds
When, as the result of an inspection, etc., based on a notification, confirmation is made of an act of misconduct, partial or complete repayment of the public research funds related to said research activities may be requested.
• Applications for public research funds and eligibility restrictions
Researchers who are found to have been involved in an act of misconduct may be restricted in making applications for future public research funds, etc., as well as in regard to their eligibility for participation in said applications.
• Disciplinary actions, penalties, etc.
When a person has performed an act of misconduct in research activities, reference shall be made to the document published by MEXT entitled “Regarding Cases of Misuse and Fraudulent Receipt at Research Institutions” (, and said person shall be penalized, etc., in accordance with the various applicable regulations of MIC.
【Related regulations】
(1) Miyazaki International College Disciplinary Committee Regulations
(2) Miyazaki International College Employment Regulations (Excerpts of relevant regulations)
【Publications regarding cases of misconduct, etc., issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), etc.】
(3) Regarding Cases of Misuse and Fraudulent Receipt at Research Institutions (MEXT)
(4) Regarding Matters Indicated to MEXT Concerning Cases of Misconduct (MEXT)
5. Office for Complaints, etc., Regarding Misconduct in Research Activities
Based on the general intent of the Whistleblower Protection Act, for situations in which one has knowledge of acts of misconduct within research activities at Miyazaki International College, or one has knowledge that said acts are to be performed, MIC has established a notification office which will receive any or all related notifications, etc., regardless of whether they come from within or outside MIC.
Please use the notification form, and make notifications by electronic mail (email), telephone, facsimile, or letter, or in person via consultation with said office.
Notification office | Administrative Director, Administration Office |
Address | 1405 Kano, Kiyotake City, Miyazaki Prefecture 889-1605, Japan |
Tel. | 0985-85-5931 (Switchboard) |
Fax | 0985-84-3396 |
Email address |
* To ensure the impartiality and legality of complaints, etc., an office has been established within Miyazaki International College, an incorporated educational institution, as well as an office outside the college, namely, Eto Law Office, a professional legal corporation (the legal counsel for MIC).