教 員 各 位
学長 山下 恵子
July 13, 2020
President Keiko Yamashita
About Prohibition on Overseas Travel and Travel to Areas where Infection is Spreading
Allow me to express my sincere gratitude for your smooth implementation and cooperation with efforts to prevent infection from the new coronavirus.
Although the number of people infected with the new coronavirus has been declining, the situation is still restrictive with regard to traveling overseas and to areas where infection has spread.
We have already issued a document to students that prohibits travel during the summer vacation. Looking at recent documents from the Ministry of Justice, I believe that it will be very difficult for faculty to travel overseas and to areas where infection is spreading during the summer vacation. In the case of overseas travel, even if it is possible for faculty to leave the country, there is no guarantee that reentry to Japan will be possible. Even if you can enter (return to) Japan, you will be obliged to self-monitor in a designated accommodation facility for about two weeks. (Refer to the Ministry of Justice “Regarding refusal of landing to prevent the spread of COVID-19” http://www.moj.go.jp/hisho/kouhou/hisho06_00099.html) (English version: http://www.moj.go.jp/content/001316999.pdf). If this happens, various institutional problems could arise, such as inability to teach scheduled courses in the fall semester.
In light of the issues above, it is the policy of the College to prohibit overseas travel and travel to areas where infection has spread for the time being. Regarding domestic academic conferences, please consult with the deans of each departments when making plans and refrain from doing so except in special cases, such as when presenting or if you are a member of the planning committee, etc.
With regard to the use of home leave, if you are unable to return to your home country this year (as per your employment agreement), you will be permitted to do so in the next academic year.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in enabling the College to conduct face-to-face classes smoothly in the fall se