Student LGBT Ally Group Rainbow Café takes stage in RAINBOW WEEK 2020
国際教養学部 藤山奈菜子
2020年8月と9月に、宮崎市とレインボービュー宮崎の協働で「宮崎レインボーウィーク2020」 が実施され、宮崎市民プラザのレインボーライトアップ、「ジェンダー・マリアージュ」の上映会、パレード、トークイベントなどが行われました。 宮崎国際大学のLGBTアライサークル虹色カフェは、9月22日のトークイベントの6つのテーマのうちの一つ「宮崎の未来を考える」に、市議会議員や活動家の方と共に登壇しました。
Nanako Fujiyama
RAINBOW WEEK 2020 took place in September of this year hosted by the Miyazaki City Council and the local LGBT ally group, Rainbow View Miyazaki. The citizen’s plaza light-up and the rainbow parade highlighted the series of exciting events that took place in August and September. Members of MIC’s LGBT ally group, Rainbow Café, took the stage along with the city council members and activists in one of the talk events.
We joined Rainbow Week 2020. I was so nervous because this event was the first activity for our Rainbow Cafe and for me this year. We participated in the talk session with the theme “Consider the Future of Miyazaki.” This was my first time to talk with LGBT allies who are my age. I was so happy to get to know people who are studying about gender with the same passion like me. Furthermore, the opportunity to talk with city council members was a new experience for me. I was impressed that they are trying to make a society in which everyone can live comfortably in terms of politics.
国際教養学部 田上絢乃
Ayano Tanoue
We participated in the event which is called Rainbow week 2020 on September 22. This was the first chance to take action as Rainbow Cafe this year. The theme of this forum was to think about the future of Miyazaki, so we were there as youths and students. For example, we talked about the environment for LGBT in other countries such as U.S and Canada by using our study abroad experience. Furthermore, there were some city council members, students from other universities and the member of Rainbow View Miyazaki. We felt fortunate to have had the opportunity to talk with people who have different standpoints. Then, there was a chance for us to announce about our activities including to make all gender washroom at MIC. We promised to achieve our goal and to make Miyazaki better for everyone.
Through this event, we again realized that there are many things that we can do. Furthermore, we realized that we can make a change in our society.
We would like to continue doing what we can.
Rainbow Café will collaborate with Miyazaki Prefecture Human Rights Promotion Association Commission to hold an on-line film screening and a talk event at MIC. Please watch out for it!