

「学長招待講演(第1回大学院交流セミナー)」を開催しました/“President’s Invitational Lecture (Graduate School Interactive Seminar #1)”


5月31日(金) 疋田 智(ひきた さとし)氏を講師にお招きし、学長招待講演として今年度第1回大学院交流セミナーを開催しました。疋田氏は現職のTBS社員でありながら、「自転車ツーキニスト」という肩書きを掲げるほか、NPO法人自転車活用推進研究会理事を務め、自転車の普及推進活動をされています。
On Friday, May 31, the first Graduate School Interactive Seminar for this academic year was presented as a President’s Invitational Lecture. We welcomed Dr. Satoshi Hikita as the speaker for the event. While working as a TV program producer at TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System), Dr. Hikita also gave himself a title of “Bicycle Commuter”, is also a board member for an NPO “Bicycle Usage Promotion Study Group” and enthusiastically promotes the use of bicycle.

The seminar was entitled “The Meaning of doing two (or more) jobs in the era of ‘LIFESHIFT’ ~ To think about your future ‘employment’”. Dr. Hikita spoke about how bicycle and cycling, which was just a hobby initially, have become such a big influencing factor in his life for him while working as an ordinary company employee. Society has changed over time and the era when once employed, you would stay until retirement is now a thing of the past. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for even large companies to go bankrupt. Furthermore, with the recent rise of AI, he said that many jobs may be replaced by AI in the near future. Therefore, in order to survive in an era where people live to be 100 years old, we need to think about what it is that supports your life, he said. Dr. Hikita gave us some useful clues on how to be aware of and make use of those resources that may already be around you that can potentially be the strength for you in your future life.

Bicycle became such important factor for Dr. Hikita. He has contributed so much to the promotion of using bicycles and has written over 30 books on bicycles, has obtained a master’s degree with a thesis on the effectiveness of bicycles for evacuation during tsunami disasters and his PhD thesis was also on a topic related to bicycles.

As he spent his youth years in Miyazaki, he also has a high awareness regarding the collapse of rural areas due to population decline and is engaged in activities to revitalize the suffering regions.

The seminar was very valuable in that it made us realize many things we should be doing and thinking about from now in order to survive the present through to future. During the Q&A session, a wide range of questions were asked by the participating students, from topics related to his work at TBS to the usage of bicycles in Japan compared to other countries.

We would like to thank Dr. Hikita once again for the wonderful seminar.






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