
2022年 年頭の挨拶





 さて今年の抱負ですが、まずは、昨年から継続している大きな2つの改革を達成しなければなりません。この2つは宮崎国際大学の今後に取って、非常に大事なものと決意を新たにしています。一つは国際教養学部の3つのコース設置です。国際教養学部の早瀬教授を始め、ワーキンググループの先生方、さらには多くの先生方の力で、ぜひ成功させて頂きたいと思います。この改革では、本学の特徴でもあるCLIL教育をグローバルリベラルアーツコースで維持し、これが本学国際教養学部の目玉であることには変わりありません。この本学のCLIL(Contents Language Integrated Learning)教育はわが国の最先端を行く教育モデルとして、新たな展開と波及を仕掛けたいと思っています。国際ビジネス・マネジメントコースは、低学年では日本語と英語を併用した基礎教育を行い、高学年では英語による国際ビジネス・マネジメントを学ぶことで他大学の同様な分野との差別化を期待しています。英語教育コースでは、中高の英語教師、あるいは小学校教員を養成しますが、これが成功すれば、非常に大きな武器を得ることになると期待しています。







New Year’s Greeting for 2022


Noboru Murakami


Miyazaki International College

Happy New Year to you all. Despite fears of the spread of the Omicron strain and the emergence of other new strains, I am pleased to be able to start the new year with everyone at Miyazaki International College. Last year, having just arrived at my new position and when I did not know much, I was helped by many faculty and staff members and learned a lot from them. I would like to express my sincere gratitude. Now, as this will be my first New Year since arriving at MIC, I would like to express my aspirations for the year ahead.

With the birthrate declining in earnest, we have entered an era in which even national universities are expanding their recommended student quotas. Last year, more than 50% of four-year private universities and 80% of two-year junior colleges were not able to fill their capacities and most of the universities that filled their capacities were those which are located centrally. Universities in rural areas, especially those with small student capacities, were hit hard. This situation is expected to continue in a prolonged manner. On the other hand, there is a strange phenomenon that the number of students enrolled in master’s degree programs has increased by 1,040 nationwide.

Although we are a small institution, we aim to be a “Small but spicy Sansho (Japanese pepper)” college, and we take good care of each and every one of our students. I believe this is something we are very good at and be very proud of even among all the Japanese universities. I think the result of this is the teacher employment rate of 86.9% achieved by the faculty of the School of Education, led by Dean/Vice President Fukuda. In the School of International Liberal Arts, Dean Passos and his team have been working hard to improve students’ English skills (expression, communication, etc.), and the fact that students’ TOEIC scores have been rising rapidly after entering MIC may be evidence that we are taking good care of them. I would like to express my respect to the faculty and staff for their hard work.

As for my aspirations for this year, first of all, we must accomplish the two major reforms that have been ongoing since last year. These two reforms are very important for the future of Miyazaki International College, and I have renewed my resolve. One is the establishment of three courses in the School of International Liberal Arts. With the help of Professor Hayase, members of the working group and others of the School of International Liberal Arts, I hope that we can make this a success. In this reform, CLIL education, which is one of the characteristics of our college, will be maintained in the Global Liberal Arts Course, and this will remain the main feature of the School of International Liberal Arts. This CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) education is at the frontier of educational models in Japan, and I would like to set up new developments and spillover effects. In the International Business Management Course, 1st and 2nd year students will receive fundamental education in both Japanese and English, and in 3rd and 4th year, students will learn international business management in English, which we hope will differentiate our course from similar courses at other universities. The English education course is to foster junior and senior high school English teachers and elementary school teachers, and if this is successful, we expect to gain a mighty asset.

If the reform in the School of International Liberal Arts is the first reform, the second reform is the establishment of the Master’s Course (in International Linguistics and Intercultural Studies). Currently, Ms. Kagawa and I are currently working together on the final draft. If we are successful, the program will be established in April 2023, but we have to start recruiting students and conducting entrance examinations in the Fall this year. This year indeed will be a critical year for us. The Master’s degree in International Linguistics and the Master’s degree in Intercultural Studies are two of the very few academic degrees offered in Kyushu, and the demand for them has been increasing in recent years. We expect to be able to increase the student capacity after we see the first completion of the 2-year program.

I would also like to increase the number of international students from Southeast Asia this year. Although it is difficult to secure foreign students due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I think it is important to start now, when we are not competing with other universities, and we can aim to increase the number of students in a few years. There are much more students in high schools in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines who wish to enter Japanese universities directly than you may think. However, in Japanese universities, classes are conducted in Japanese. Therefore, they inevitably have to first go to Japanese language schools and master the Japanese language before being able to enter Japanese universities, which most of them consider as a waste of money. For this reason, they study abroad in English-speaking countries and not Japan. If the classes are taught in English from the moment they start the university, as they are at our college, I believe it will be appealing to them.

In addition to the above, we have to work hard to improve the quality of education, make budget requests to MEXT, collaborate with junior high schools and high schools, contribute to the local community through the prefectural, city, and town governments, collaborate with companies, expand the exchange program, improve the campus design, improve the work environment, and so on and so forth. Of course, these cannot be accomplished without the cooperation of all of our faculty and staff members. It goes without saying that reform will add extra work to the existing work and create a tough situation for many people. I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to many of our faculty and staff. Nevertheless, I believe that the reason I wrote this New Year’s greeting is to force myself to be prepared.

Last but not least, I very much look forward to working with you all this year. Let’s do our best to make MIC a workplace that is as enjoyable and enriching for you as possible.






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