


 それでは、なぜ増えているのでしょうか?もちろん、遺伝素因を除いての話ですが、社会の変化(例えば、家族構成、近所付き合い、子ども同士の遊び時間不足、情報過多 他)を含め、集団欲が満たされない環境やコミュニュケーション不足が多くなっている、あるいは食べ物の変化(鉄、亜鉛不足、偏食 他)、スマホ社会(睡眠不足 他)、農薬(ネオニコ系?)や薬物・飲料水等、運動不足等、いくつもの要因があげられますが、どれが一義的原因とはいえないでしょう。その中で、私は特に、母親と幼児の触れ合い不足、「授乳行動(母親が幼児を抱いて母乳をやる行為)の重要性」について、見解を述べたいと思います。


Mental Disorders in Children and Students from a Mammalian Perspective


 In recent years, the educational environment for children and students with mental disorders and developmental disorders has been rapidly changing, with the promotion of “inclusive education” and the expansion of “classes for children with special needs”. This change is influenced by the recommendation from the United Nations to Japan to stop segregating children with disabilities from those without in its education system. On the other hand, Japan’s approach (isolating individuals with psychiatric disorders), with a significantly higher number of beds for psychiatric inpatients compared to the rest of the world, still seems quite different from Western practices. Today, I’d like to share my thoughts on “why the number of children with mental disorders (including some ASDs) continue to increase”. While I am not a psychiatrist, I’d like to express my opinions based on some of my previous research (early weaning and behavioral problems).
 Some might argue that the reason for the increase in psychiatric mental disorders in children and students is simply due to more thorough investigations, and the actual number of cases has not risen. However, having spent over 35 years in the field of education, I get a strong impression that there has been an actual increase in such students. I watched a program on NHK’s BS channel that discussed that gender differences in the brain have been disappearing in recent years, with nearly 90% of brains becoming a hybrid type (a mixture of male and female characteristics)”. This made me wonder if changes in the brain, including changes in neurotransmitters and neural networks/synapse formation, might be contributing to the rising incidence of psychiatric mental disorders in children and students.
 So, why is the number increasing? Excluding genetic factors, factors such as changes in society (family structure, community interactions, insufficient playtime for children, information overload, and so on), an environment where belongingness is unfulfilled, increasing communication deficiencies, dietary changes (iron and zinc deficiencies, selective eating, etc.), the age of smartphones (resulting in lack of sleep, etc.), pesticides (neonicotinoids ?), drugs, drinking water, lack of physical exercises, and many others could all be contributing to the increase. It is difficult to pinpoint a singular primary cause. Among these, I’d like to focus on the potential impact of insufficient interaction between mothers and infants and “the significance of breastfeeding behavior (the act of mother holding an infant to breastfeed).”
 Humans are mammals, and breastfeeding is one of the strategies developed by animals over the course of evolution. This breastfeeding behavior is critically important for the survival and growth of infants and ultimately contributes to the preservation of the species. If this breastfeeding process were to fail, many species of mammals would likely go extinct. The duration of breastfeeding varies among species, and this is critically important. During this period, the infant’s brain develops rapidly. While it’s said that the human brain matures by the age of 12, synaptic (neuronal connections) formation is most active during the ages of 1 to 2. If newborn animals (we used mice and rats as experimental animals) are separated from their mothers early on (weaning) and switched to solid food, their bodies continue to grow without significant differences. However, after growth, they exhibit more problem behaviors and anxiety-related behaviors compared to normal animals. This suggests that the breastfeeding period plays a crucial role in the development of the infant’s brain, and it is the very act of breastfeeding that contributes to the development of the infant’s brain. It is perhaps various elements including affectionate behavior of a mother with close physical contact with a baby (hugs and cuddles), the act of an infant sucking on breastmilk (suckling) or the components of breast milk, that are contributing to the development (the formation of good synapses, neural network development, and functional growth of nerve cells, etc.) of the infant’s brain during this breastfeeding period.
 I’m not suggesting that artificial feeding is inherently detrimental. I believe that with sufficient mother’s love, artificial feeding is perfectly fine. On the other hand, neglect and abuse of infants can lead to irreversible deficits in synaptic formation and the formation of incorrect neural networks, ultimately causing various mental disorders. While abnormal and problem behaviors are not commonly observed in non-human mammals, the increasing prevalence of compulsive disorders in dogs and other animals subjected to artificial feeding may be also suggesting the importance of breastfeeding behavior.






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