Self-Assessment as a Methodology for Independent Language Learning
Self-assessment is a popular tool for individuals to recognize their achievements and failures. It can also provide a better understanding of difficulties. In addition, it allows for opportunities to develop learner autonomy by actively involving students in the learning process (Dam, 2009). Self-assessment is not only a tool for guiding students to engage in the learning process, but a useful way to improve motivation and overall awareness in second language studies. Hirschel, Yamamoto, and Lee (2012, p.293) state that, “an integral part of autonomous learning, regardless of how we may define the term, is some measure of autonomous assessment or self-assessment.”
- Hirschel, R., Yamamoto, C. and Lee, P. (2012). Video Self-Assessment for Language Learners. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 3(3), 291-309.
- Meilleur, R., Yamamoto, C. and Franz, T. (2014). Manufacturing Autonomy: An L2 Reflective Writing Project. Sojo University Journal, 39, 123-131.
- 国際教養学部
山本 忠クレイグ
Craig Tadashi Yamamoto
学位 分野・取得大学
修士(サザンクイーンズランド大学)/ M.A. (University of Southern Queensland)
応用言語学 – 若年学習者のための教授法/ Applied Linguistics – Teaching Methodology for Young Learners
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