
国際教養学部 比較文化学科




Mohammad Malek



学位 分野・取得大学

博士(鳥取大学)/Ph.D. (Tottori University)


農業開発経済学/Agricultural and Development Economics


Over the years while working with the Universities, International Organisations, and the Government, I have gained a diverse perspective on international development which motivated me to share the wonders with you young students. I enjoy research, teaching and re-learning with students broadly in the field of economics and development. I believe in collaborative efforts with curious mind and passion to achive the goals of our lives, communities and the world.

長年、大学、国際機関、政府で働く中で、国際開発に関する多様な視点を身につけ、その素晴らしさを若い学生の皆さんと分かち合いたいと思うようになりました。私は経済学と開発分野において、研究、教育、そして学生との学び直しを幅広く楽しんでいます。 私は、私たちの生活、地域社会、そして世界の目標を達成するために、好奇心と情熱を持って協力し合うことを信じています。

主な研究課題 Research Topics

Fields of Interest
Agriculture and Development Economics, Development Impact Evaluation, Empirical Micro-econometrics, Machine Learning, Field Studies, South/Southeast Asian Economics.

Current research topics
Digital/Social Innovations, Climate Resilient Rice Farming, Productive Aging, Agricultural microfinance, Poverty Dynamics, Field experiments, Mahabub Hossain Panel surveys, Alternative data.

主な研究業績 Research Achievements

Major Competitive research grants (PI, Co-PI, Collaborators, etc.)

1. JSPS. International Collaborative Research Acceleration Fund (Overseas Collaborative Research) Project ID: 23KK0026. About 20 million (2023/09~2026/08).  Under what conditions do poverty traps appear and persist? An international comparative analysis of long-term farm households panel data. As Co-I With PI Kei Kajisa (Kyoto University), Co-I Akinori Kitsuki (Kyushu U), and Collaborators (Ken Miura, Kyoto University, Valerien O. Pede, IRRI, Shalander Kumar-ICRISAT-IN, Muhammad Yunus, BIDS and Priscilla Hamukwala, University of Zambia).
2. JSPS-Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kiban B) No. 22H02443. Amount: JPY 151,40,000 JPY. Duration (2022/04 – 2025/03). Institutional Innovation for sustainable mechanical rental service for resource-poor farmers (RCT project). As PI with Kazushi Takahashi (GRIPS), Yuko Nakano (University of Tsukuba), Yoko Kijima (GRIPS), and Yukichi Mano (Hitotshubashi University).
3. ADB TA -6556 REG. Amount: 300,000 USD. From 2021/03~2021/08. Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia: Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging. As PI/Team Leader cum Survey Director (International Consultant) at ADB with Hasinur Rahman (University of Dhaka), Jinnat Ara (BIDS), Amzad Hossain (University of Arkansas), and Fuad Hasan (Bangladesh Agricultural University).
4. ADB TA-6556 REG. Amount: 40,000 USD.  From 2022/06~2023/10. Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia: Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging. As Economist (International Consultant).
5. Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI). Amount: 40,000 USD.  April 2020-March 2021. Impacts of COVID-19 on Rural Households in Bangladesh. Survey lead with  Tetsushi Sonobe and Peter J. Morgan. Project website:  https://www.adb.org/adbi/covid-19#accordion-3-4.
6. JSPS-Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kiban A No. 20H00075) Amount: JPY 44,850,000. Duration (2020-04-01 – 2025-03-31). Why does seemingly promising agricultural technology not spread? Findings from a large randomized controlled trial. Involved as Co-I (and responsible for all surveys and Experiments) with Kazushi Takahashi (GRIPS), Yuko Nakano (University of Tsukuba), Yoko Kijima (GRIPS), and Yukichi Mano (Hitotshubashi University). Project website: https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/en/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-20H00075/.
7. JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program grant (Kakenhi No. 16F16311). Amount: JYEN 2.9 million. Economics of Micro Credit Intervention for the tenant farmers/Efficiency and equity effects on the land market in Bangladesh. Worked with Yasuyuki Sawada (The University of Tsukuba) and Chieko Umetsu (Kyoto University). Project site: https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/en/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-16F16311/.
8. BRAC Advocacy Program. Amount: 25,000 BDT. Feb 2016 to Dec 2016. Evaluation of a Skill Development Initiative for Adolescents on Climate Adaptive Livelihoods in Bangladesh. Worked as lead PI at BRAC.
9. International Growth Center (IGC). Feb 2014-Dec 2015, Grant amount: AUD 102,000. Technology adoption and food security in rural Bangladesh project. Worked as co-PI (PI for Bangladesh study team) with Asad Islam (Monash University), Christopher Barrett (Cornell University), Marcel Fafchamps  (Stanford University) and Debayan Pakrashi (IIT-Kanpur). Project website: https://www.theigc.org/project/technology-adoption-and-food-security-in-rural-bangladesh/.
10. International Growth Center (IGC).  July 2015-June 2016, Grant amount: AUD 110,000.  Technology adoption and diffusion: The System of Rice Intensification and food security in Bangladesh project. Worked as co-PI (PI for Bangladesh study team) with Asad Islam (Monash University), Christopher Barrett (Cornell University), Marcel Fafchamps (Stanford University) and Debayan Pakrashi (IIT-Kanpur).
11. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) 2012-2015 Research Grant (US$0.75 million). Impact evaluation of credit program for tenant farmers (RCT Project). Funded by As lead PI with Mahabub Hossain and Narayan Das (BRAC).
12. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). (April 2014-Dec 2015). Grant amount: EURO 43,200. AG‐WATSAN Nexus (RCT) Study. Worked as Co-I (PI for the Bangladesh study) with Joachim von Braun (University of Bonn- ZEF) and Nicolas Gerber (University of Bonn- ZEF). Project website: https://www.zef.de/watsan.html.
13. DFAT. Aug 2014-July 2016, Grant amount: AUD 80,000. Improving educational outcomes of disadvantaged school students: Evaluation of BRAC Chatrabondhu Programme (RCT Project). Worked as Co-I (PI for Bangladesh study team) with Asadul Islam, Choon Wang and Sakiba Tasneem at Monash University.
14. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).  May 2012-Dec 2014). Grant amount: USD 105,500. Technology (ex‐ante) assessment and farm household segmentation for inclusive poverty reduction and sustainable growth in agriculture (TIGA). Worked as Co-I (PI for the Bangladesh study team) with Joachim von Braun (University of Bonn- ZEF) and Franz W. Gatzweiler (University of Bonn- ZEF). Project website: https://www.zef.de/project_tiga.html.

Publications and research achievements (selected)

R1: Peer-reviewed Academic Journal Articles:
1. MD. Alamgir Hossain, Abdul Malek, and Zhengfei Yu. Impact of Rural Credit on Household Welfare: Evidence from a Long-Term Panel in Bangladesh. Asian Development Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 363–397. September 2023.  DOI: 10.1142/S0116110523500166.
2. Christopher B. Barrett. Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi and Ummul Ruthbah. Experimental Evidence on Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume104, Issue1. January 2022, Pages 4-32. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12245. AJAE Outstanding Article Award 2022.
3. Marcel Fafchamps, Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, and Debayan Pakrashi. Mobilizing P2P Diffusion for New Agricultural Practices: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh. The World Bank Economic Review, Volume 35, Issue 4, November 2021.  https://doi.org/10.1093/wber/lhab009.
4. Fafchamps M, Islam A, Malek MA and Pakrashi D. Can Referral Improve Targeting? Evidence from an Agricultural Training Experiment. Journal of Development Economics. Volume 144, May 2020, 102436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2019.102436.
5. Nusrat Abedin Jimi, Plamen V. Nikolov, Abdul Malek & Subal Kumbhakar. The effects of access to credit on productivity: separating technological changes from changes in technical efficiency. Journal of Productivity Analysis, Springer, vol. 52(1), pages 37-55, December, 2019. doi:10.1007/s11123-019-00555-8.
6. Hossain M, Malek MA, Hossain MA, Reza MH and Ahmed MS. Agricultural Microcredit for Tenant Farmers: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladesh. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 101, Issue 3, April 2019, Pages 692 709, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aay070.
7. Malek MA, Franz WG and von Braun J. Identifying technology innovations for marginalized smallholders-conceptual approach. Technology in Society, May 2017.  Volume 49, Pages 48–56. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2017.03.002.
8. Mohammad I and Malek MA. Promotion of agriculture technology in marginal rural areas of Bangladesh: An innovative business model approach. Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, April 2017. Vol 6 No 1, pp-58-84. DOI: 10.7545/ajip.2017.6.1.058.
9. Malek MA and Usami K. Significance and Growth Linkages of Household Non-Farm Enterprises in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Advanced Villages. Journal of Bangladesh Studies, 2014. 16(1), 64–75.
10. Malek MA and Usami K. Do the Non-farm Incomes really matter for Poverty among Small Households in Rural Bangladesh? A Case of Advanced Villages. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, July 2010, Vol. 2(7):250–267.
11. Malek MA and Usami K. Determinants of Non-farm Income Diversification in Developed Villages of Bangladesh: A Case of Comilla Sadar Upazila. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2009. 1 (2): 141-149, 2009.
12. Malek MA and Usami K. Determinants of Non-farm Employment in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Advanced Villages. December 2009. Journal of Bangladesh Studies. 11(2): 20-34.
13. Kashem MM, Guha RK and Malek MA. Micro Enterprises in Rural Bangladesh: Entrepreneurial Process, Problems and Prospects. Journal of Rural Development, January 2009. 36(1).
14. Malek MA and Usami K. State of Micro-enterprises in Rural Bangladesh: A Case in Comilla Sadar Upazila. Journal of Rural Problems, June 2007. 43 (1): 228-233. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7310/arfe1965.43.228.
15. Roy MK and Malek MA. Human Development through Building Social Capital in Rural Areas: Some Experiences. Journal of Rural Development and Administration, December 2002. 34, (1-4): 37-59.

R2: Books and Chapters

1. Malek M.A., Truong, H. T. and Sonobe. T. Changes in the Livelihoods in Rural Bangladesh During the Early COVID-19 Lockdown. Chapter 7, In: the ADBI book COVID-19 Impacts and Policy Options Ahead: An Asian Perspective.  Tokyo: ADBI, 2021.
2. Hasan, MM and Malek MA. Microfinance market in Bangladesh. In: Microfinance in Asia. Christopher Gan and Gilbert Nartea (eds). World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte., 2017. pp. 271-306. doi.org/10.1142/9789813147959_0008.
3. Malek MA, Hoque MS, Yesmin J and Haque ML. More than Cereal-based Cropping Innovations for improving Food and Livelihood Security of Poor Smallholders in Marginal Areas of Bangladesh. In: Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Intensification of Smallholder Agriculture. Braun JV and Gatswelier FG (eds). Springer: Feb 2016, pp.257-288. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-25718-1_16.
4. Mazid MA, Malek MA and Hossain M. BRAC Approach to Small Farmers’ Innovations. In: Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Intensification of Smallholder Agriculture. Braun JV and Gatwelier FG (eds). Springer: Feb 2016, pp.99-123. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-25718-1_6.
5. Malek MA and Usami K. Determinants of Non-farm Employments in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Comilla Sadar Upazila. In: Bangladesh in the 21st Century: The Harvard Conference Papers – Issues in Economic Development and Finance. University Press Limited.
6. Malek MA (2011). Non-farm Employment and Poverty in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Advanced Villages. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Gmbh&Co.KG, August 2011. (My PhD Dissertation)

R3: Peer-reviewed International Conference Proceedings:

1. Abdul Malek. Keynote Lecture II: Some Reflections in Relation to International Mother Language Day from an economist’s standpoint. Inter-Faculty, Volume 9, pages 91-120, Nov 2019. https://journal.hass.tsukuba.ac.jp/interfaculty/article/view/138. DOI:10.15068/00158686
2. Islam A, Wang CL, Malek MA and Tasneem S. Can public recognition reward backfire? Field experimental evidence on the retention and performance of volunteers with social-image concerns.  June 2018 Conference: Midwest International Economic Development Conference in Minneapolis, USA.
3. Jimi NA, Kumbhakar S, Nikolov PV and Malek MA. Does Credit Access Improve Firm Output? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladesh. 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts 236230, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
4. Abdul Malek and M. Latiful Hoque. Marginality hotspots with agricultural potentials in Bangladesh: segmentations, technology innovations, barriers and willingness to pay of poor smallholders in Bangladesh. IAAE  2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy.
5. Malek MA, Franz WG and von Braun J. Identifying technology innovations for marginalized smallholders-A conceptual approach. IAAE  2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy.

R4: Non-reviewed Academic Articles (invited papers)

1. MD. Alamgir Hossain, Abdul Malek Mohammad, and Zhengfei Yu. Impact of Rural Credit on Household Welfare: Evidence from a Long-Term Panel in Bangladesh. Tsukuba Economics Working Paper 2021-001. Available at http://www.econ.tsukuba.ac.jp/RePEc/2021-001.pdf.
2. Christopher B. Barrett. Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi and Ummul Ruthbah. Experimental Evidence on Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification. Avaialble at
3. Christopher B. Barrett. Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi and Ummul Ruthbah. The Effects of Exposure Intensity on Technology Adoption and Gains:  Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh on the System of Rice Intensification. Avaialble at http://barrett.dyson.cornell.edu/files/papers/Bangladesh%20SRI%2030April2019.pdf.
4. Non-Financial Incentives, Selectivity and Performance of Volunteers: Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment. Islam A, Malek MA, Tasneem S and Wang CL. October 26, 2017, DECRG Kuala Lumpur Seminar Series, The World Bank.
Available at: http://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2017/10/26/non-financial-incentives
5. Fafchamps M, Islam A, Malek MA and Pakrashi D. Can Referral Improve Targeting? Evidence from a Vocational Training Experiment. Discussion paper Series on Development Economics, No. DP12070. Center for Economic Policy Research, May 2017. Available at: https://cepr.org/active/publications/discussion_papers/view_pdf.php?dpno=12070.
6. Hossain M, Malek MA, Hossain MA, Reza MH and Ahmed MS. Impact assessment of credit program for the tenant farmers in Bangladesh: Evidence from a field experiment. Discussion paper, CIRJE-F-1025. U of Tokyo: October 2016. Available at http://www.cirje.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/research/dp/2016/2016cf1025.pdf.
7. Hossain, Mahabub & Malek, Mohammad Abdul, 2011. “Exclusion and drop out in school participation in Bangladesh: Insights from repeat household surveys,” 2011 ASAE 7th International Conference, October 13-15, Hanoi, Vietnam 290423, Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE).

R5: Peer-reviewed Academic Papers (Bulletin)

1. Abdul Malek, Aiko Kikkawa, Abul Kalam Azad, and Yasuyuki Sawada. Rural Development in Bangladesh over Four Decades: Findings from Mahabub Hossain Panel Data and the Way Forward. ADBI Working paper. December 2022. https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/848201/adbi-wp1350.pdf
2. Mohammad, A. M., H. T. Truong, and T. Sonobe. 2021. Changes in the Rural Economy in Bangladesh under COVID-19 Lockdown Measures: Evidence from a Phone Survey of Mahbub Hossain Sample Households. ADBI Working Paper 1235. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute. Available: https://www.adb.org/publications/changes-rural-economy-bangladesh-under-covid-19-lockdown-measures.
3. M Fafchamps, A Islam, A Malek, D Pakrashi. The Impact of Referrals to Improve Targeting for Agricultural Training in Bangladesh. – 2018 – povertyactionlab.org.
4. Fafchamps, M., Islam, A., Malek, A., & Pakrashi, D. Mobilizing P2P Diffusion for New Agricultural Practices- Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh.  (2019). UC Berkeley: Center for Effective Global Action. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6m94v8b6.
5. Reza MH, Shatil T, Rahman MS and Malek MA. The Impact of Skills Development Initiatives for Adolescents on Climate Adaptive Livelihoods in South-western Bangladesh. Research Report No. 49. BRAC: April 2017.  Available at http://research.brac.net/new/event/the-impact-of-skills-development-initiatives-for-adolescents-on-climate-adaptive-livelihoods.
6. Malek MA, Khan TN, Gerber N, Saha R, and Mohammad I. Can a specially designed information intervention around the WASH-agriculture linkages make any difference? Experimental evidence of behavioral changes and health impacts. Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 213, Center for Development Research, April 2016. Available at  https://www.zef.de/uploads/tx_zefportal/Publications/zef_dp_213.pdf.
7. Barrett C, Islam A, Malek MA, Pakrashi D and Ruthbah U. The Impact of System of Rice Intensification: Evidence from a large scale two-period randomized field experiments. Earlier version published as working paper. IGC: February 2016. Available at https://www.theigc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Islam-et-al-2016-Working-paper.pdf.
8. Malek MA and Franz FW. Manual for the identification of idle potentials of marginal rural areas and people by means of technological and institutional innovations. ZEF and BRAC. Feb 2016.
9. Malek MA, Ahasan A, Hossain MA, Ahmed MS, Hossain M and Reza MH. Impact assessment of credit program for the tenant farmers in Bangladesh. 3ie Grantee Final Report. New Delhi: Published at September 2015.
10. Hossain M, Jaim WMH, Malek MA etal. Impact Assessment of Credit Program for the tenant farmers: Baseline report 2012. BRAC Research Report. Dhaka: BRAC Printers. 2014.
11. Hossain M, Malek MA and Das NC. Tenant Farmers’ Access to Credit and Extension Services: BRAC Tenant Farmer Development Project In Bangladesh. Working paper 40, ISSN 2311. Dhaka: BRAC Printers. 2014.
12. Malek MA, Hossain MA, Saha R and Gatzweiler F. Mapping Marginality Hotspots and Agricultural Potentials in Bangladesh. (June 1, 2013). ZEF Working Paper Series No. 144. Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=2298663 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2298663.
13. Kamruzzaman M, Hossain NZ, Bhattacharjee A, Akter A, Raza W, Malek MA and Das NC. Social Network and Financial Literacy among Rural Adolescent Girls: Qualitative Assessment of BRAC’s SoFEA Programme. Working Paper No. 34. Dhaka: Research and Evaluation Division (RED), BRAC. 2012.

R6: Others

Blog, Newspaper articles, TV Talk shows, interviews, etc.

MALEK, A., Truong, H.  and Sonobe, T. 2021. Remittance inflows giving resilience to Bangladesh’s rural economy amid COVID-19. ADBI Blog. July 13. Available at https://www.asiapathways-adbi.org/2021/07/remittance-inflows-giving-resilience-bangladesh-rural-economy-covid-19/.

MALEK, A., Truong, H.  and  Sonobe, T. 2021 Remittances have helped villages bounce back.  Jun 23, 2021 12:00 AM at The daily Star. Available at

Major Research News/Mentioned in Popular Media

On SRI experiment at University Tsukuba


On Covid 19

The Prothom Alo (Bangladeshi Leading Bengali Newspaper)


On BRAC Agr Microcredit Experiment at Kyoto University


Television talk show (Based on RCT based project findings)
Four episodes (40 minutes per episode) of TV talk `BRAC Borgachashi Loan` have been broad cast by independent TV (a leading private TV channel in Bangladesh) during March-April 2015 where I took part in all episodes as lead speaker mainly to disseminate research findings with leading researchers, policy makers and practitioners including Central Bank Governor in Bangladesh. Synopsys of those four episodes has been brought in 16 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr9KSIhomfc. Such policy discussion significantly contributed to extension of the program (BRAC Borgachashi), and increase of program fund and opportunities for scale-up in multiple countries.

My interview at biggani.org:

ড: মুহম্মদ আব্দুল মালেক – কার্যকর পল্লী ও উন্নয়ন অর্থনীতির মডেল উদ্ভাবনে নিরন্তর প্রচেষ্টায় যে বিজ্ঞানী

R7: Others (Last five years)

Selected Academic Presentations (invited lectures, panelists, keynote, etc.)


Evidence-based Social Science Research- an application of heterogeneous analyses using agricultural microcredit field experiment. Presented at Tutorial `From data to knowledge; how machine learning technologies may help in your discipline`.  The 2nd International Conference on Japan-Bangladesh Research and Practice (JBRP) 2023.  Network of Bangladeshi Researchers in Japan (NBRJ). August 11-12, 2023, Nanzan University, Nagoya.
Credit Access and Women’s Bargaining Power within the Household: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Japan-Bangladesh Research and Practice (JBRP) 2023. Network of Bangladeshi Researchers in Japan (NBRJ) August 11-12, 2023. Nanzan University, Nagoya.

Credit Access and Women’s Bargaining Power within the Household: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Presented at the 2nd Asian Economic Development Conference on 15–16 July 2023, Tokyo.
Introducing Mahabub Hossain Panel Data (MHPD) for measuring the adoption and impact of Agricultural Innovations. Presented at a Consultation meeting titled “Measuring the adoption and impact of CGIAR-related agricultural innovations in Bangladesh” from 10 – 11 July 2023 in the Padma Hall, Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka.

Introducing a nationally representative survey of older persons in Bangladesh- Follow-up. Presented at Third Project Advisory Meeting. ADB KSTA 6556-REG: Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia: Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging (Bangladesh Study) Project. 9th May 2023.
Introducing a nationally representative survey of older persons in Bangladesh-Survey Strategies and Questionnaire. Presented at 2nd Project Advisory Meeting. ADB KSTA 6556-REG: Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia: Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging (Bangladesh Study) Project. 9th February 2023.


Introduction for Expert Validation on Survey Strategies and Questionnaire. ADB KSTA 6556-REG: Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia: Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging (Bangladesh Study) Project. Zoom Meeting, 26th Dec 2022.

Socio-economic Development in Bangladesh: Findings from Mahabub Hossain Panel Data and the Way Forward. Presented at NBRJ International Workshop, 12th August 2022, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo.

Business Development Plan: Concepts and Practice. Presented at Business Development Plan Workshop. 3rd-4th August 2022, Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogura, Bangladesh.

Consistency and persistence are key to success:  Reflections from my Kakenhi Journey (2017-2022). Presented at Kakenhi Seminar in English at University of Tsukuba on 12th July 2022.


Rural Development in Bangladesh over Four Decades: Findings from Mahabub Hossain Panel Data and the Way Forward. Presented at ASAE International Conference Beijing, 6-8th December 2021.

Rural Development in Bangladesh over Four Decades: Findings from Mahabub Hossain Panel Data and the Way Forward. Presented at Annual BIDS Conference on Development (ABCD):  Celebrating 50 Years of Bangladesh. 1-3rd December 2021.

Road Map for the Survey of Older Persons in Bangladesh Using Mahabub Hossain Panel Data. Presented at 1st Project Advisory Committee. ADB KSTA 6556-REG Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia: Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging. 11th October 2021.

Background report on Mahabub Hossain Panel Data in Bangladesh-First Draft. Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia: Improving Data and Analysis for Healthy and Productive Aging (ADB TA-6556 REG). Presented at Asian Development Bank at MS Team Meeting, May 17, 2021.

Impact of Covid 19 lockdown measures on Rural Economy in Bangladesh: Evidence from a panel data. 2021 Economists’ Forum (EF) on 12–13 January 2021. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.


Short-term Impact of COVID-19 Lock-down Measures on Livelihoods and Food Security in Rural Bangladesh: Evidence from a Telephone Survey of Mahbub Hossain Samples. 2020 Asian Development Bank Institute Annual Conference: The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Policy Implications. 1-3 December 2020, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan.

The Effects of Exposure Intensity on Technology Adoption and Gains: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh on the System of Rice Intensification. Presented at Regional Environmental Economics ABE Initiative Seminar at Kyoto University, Japan, 10th Feb 2020.


The Effects of Exposure Intensity on Technology Adoption and Gains: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh on the System of Rice Intensification. Presented at ASAE- Rural transformation in Asia session of Inter-Conference Symposium of International Association of Agricultural Economists-IAAE Small-holder Farms in Market Integration – Lessons and Experiences from South and East Asia dated 11-13th Nov 2019.

The Effects of Exposure Intensity on Technology Adoption and Gains: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh on the System of Rice Intensification. The 1st JADE Conference & The 5th HSI 2019-Economic Development Sessions, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, August 1-2, 2019.

Mobilizing P2P Diffusion for New Agricultural Practices: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh. Presented at JADE/GRIPS monthly workshop, Tokyo, July 3, 2019.

Keynote Speech: Was the deprivation through language justified in Former East Bengal (Bangladesh)? Presented On the Occasion of International Mother Language Day at University of Tsukuba-University Hall, Tsukuba, 22nd February 2019.


How Intensity of Exposure to an Innovation Affects Patterns of Adoption and Impacts: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh on the System of Rice Intensification. Presented at PAWEES-INWEPF International Conference/2018-11-20–2018-11-22.
The Impact of System of Rice Intensification: Evidence from a large scale two-period randomized field experiments. Presented at Theoretical Economics and Agriculture (TEA) Meeting- Pre-conference event of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan (AESJ) Annual Meeting at Hokkaido University, May 25th, 2018.

Randomized Field Experiments on System of Rice Intensification in Bangladesh. Presented at the Japan-System of Rice Intensification Network (J-SRI) Meeting at The University of Tokyo-Yayoi Campus, Tokyo, May 25, 2018.

The Impact of System of Rice Intensification: Evidence from a large scale two-period randomized field experiments. Presented at 1st International Workshop on Agricultural Economics held at Kyoto University at March 20th 2018.
Information intervention around the WASH-Agriculture linkages for behavioral changes in Bangladesh. Presented at Carrefour Seminar Kyoto University Global Health Interdisciplinary Unit (KUGHIU) February 8, 2018.

担当授業科目 Courses Taught

  • LAS102 Introduction to Economics 経済学概論
  • IBM301 Microeconomics ミクロ経済学
  • IBM304 International Trade 国際貿易
  • IBM309 Economics of Development 開発経済学

所属学会 Associations

Bangladesh Economic Association
Bangladesh Agricultural Economics Association
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
American Economic Association
International Association of Agricultural Economists
Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
Japanese Association for Development Economics
Asian Society of Agricultural Economists
Asian Society for Innovation and Policy
Network of Bangladeshi Researchers in Japan






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