Fabio Bolzonar
学位 分野・取得大学
博士(ケンブリッジ大学)/Ph.D. (University of Cambridge)
In our sociology classes, students will learn sociological theories and they will apply them to interpret social reality. We will discuss a large variety of topics that have opened public debates in contemporary societies, particularly social inequalities, gender and sexuality, the public role of religions, religious fundamentalism, and populism. Our courses aim to develop students' abilities to think critically and enhance communication skills in English.
主な研究課題 Research Topics
The relationships between religion and politics, historical sociology, sociology of religion, comparative politics, morality politics, gender and sexuality.
主な研究業績 Research Achievements
Catholicism and the welfare state in secular France, Leuven: Leuven University Press (2023); ‘God, [political] family… and Europe? The selective resilience of religion in shaping the work of Italian members of the European Parliament’ (with Trino, N.), Religion, State and Society, 51 (4–5), (2023); ‘Conservative Catholicism versus social Catholicism? Contrasting patterns in the political engagement of highly religious young Catholics in France and Italy’, Sociology Compass, 17(7), (2023); ‘Dealing with a problematic past: The historical memories and authoritarian Values of the Vichy Regime and Fascism in the Ideology of the Rassemblement National and the League’, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(2), (2023).
担当授業科目 Courses Taught
- Introduction to Sociology 社会学入門
- Religion and Contemporary Society 宗教と現代社会
- Contemporary Social Theory 現代社会理論
- Politics and Society in the European Union EUの政治と社会
所属学会 Associations
European Consortium for Political Research, International Society for the Sociology of Religion