林 忠賢
Chung Hsien Lin
学位 分野・取得大学
修士(国立台北教育大学)/M.A(National Taipei University of Education)
美術、デザイン/Art ,Design
Fake It until you make It.
主な研究課題 Research Topics
- Art Education 美術教育
- Art Appreciation 美術鑑賞
- Design Methods デザインメソッド
- Lifelong Learning 生涯学習
- Cultural Facility 文化施設
主な研究業績 Research Achievements
My research primarily focuses on art and design, with a broad scope that includes lifelong learning and facilities related to art and culture. In addition to publishing both in Japan and internationally, I have participated in various fieldwork and practical activities. I have also contributed to international research teams by sharing the cases in Taiwan.
担当授業科目 Courses Taught
- Introduction to Art History 美術史概論
- Art and Society 芸術と社会
- Topics in International Art 国際美術の課題
- Contemporary Design 現代デザイン
所属学会 Associations
University Art Education Society of Japan, The Japan Sociological Society
大学美術教育学会, 日本社会学会