
国際教養学部 比較文化学科




Debra Occhi


アメリカ/ U.S.A.

学位 分野・取得大学

博士(カリフォルニア大学 デイビス校)/ Ph.D. (University of California, Davis)


人類学、言語学、日本文化/ Anthropology, Linguistics, Japanese Culture


Stretch your mind and body every day!

主な研究課題 Research Topics

Japan, Anthropology, Language, Culture

主な研究業績 Research Achievements

2011 “A cultural-linguistic look at Japanese ‘eye’ expressions” in Embodiment via Body Parts: Studies from various languages and cultures”. Zouheir A. Maalej & Ning Yu, eds. John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 171-196.

2010 Debra J. Occhi, Cindi L. SturtzSreetharan, and Janet S. Shibamoto-Smith, “Finding Mr Right: New Looks at Gendered Modernity in Japanese Televised Romances”, Japanese Studies, 30: 3, 409 ― 425.

2009 “Ideologies and Practices of Naming in Cross-cultural Educational Context” in Ethnographies of the Professoriate in East Asia: Faculty Tradition in the Face of Globalizing Reforms. Gregory S. Poole & Ya-chen Chen, eds., Sense Publishers: Amsterdam, pp. 56-71.

2009 Janet S. Shibamoto Smith and Debra J. Occhi “The Green Leaves of Love: Japanese Romantic Heroines, Authentic Femininity, and Dialect” Journal of Sociolinguistics 13:4, 524–546

2009 “Tiny Buds Whispering: Ideologies of flowers in contemporary Japanese” Social Semiotics,19:2,213-229.

2008 Translation of Jugaku Akiko (1983): “Nihonjin no kiiwaado ‘rashisa’ from Kokugaku 133-45-54” (‘Rashisa’: a keyword for Japanese) in Comparative Culture, The Journal of Miyazaki International College, 14:39-50.

2008 “Dialect Speakers on Dialect Speech”in Identity in Text Interpretation and Everyday Life. Masa-chiyo Amano, Michael O’Toole, Zane Goebel, Shinya Shigemi, & Song Wei eds. Nagoya: Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University, pp. 99-110.

2008 “How to have a HEART in Japanese” in Culture, Body, and Language: Conceptualization of Heart and Other Internal Body Organs across Cultures and Languages. Farzad Sharifian, René Dirven, Ning Yu, & Susanne Niemeier eds. Mouton De Gruyter: Berlin/New York, pp. 191-212.

2007 Using Cultural Linguistics to Teach English Language Inferential Schemas Used in Archaeology to Japanese University Students, in Applied Cultural Linguistics:Intercultural communication and second language learning and teaching. Farzad Sharifian and Gary B. Palmer, eds. John Benjamins, pp.15 – 31.

2006 Heartbreak’s destination: Tohoku in the poetic discourse of enka in Wearing Cultural Styles In Japan: Concepts of Tradition and Modernity in Practice, Christopher Thompson and John Traphagan, eds. SUNY Press, pp. 151-170.

2001 Kaoru Horie and Debra J. Occhi Cognitive Linguistics Meets Language Contact: A Case Study of GETTO-SURU in Japanese in Cognitive-Functional Linguistics in an East Asian Context, Shigeru Sato and Kaoru Horie, eds. Kurosio Publishers: Tokyo, pp. 13-34.

担当授業科目 Courses Taught

  • A&C203 Japanese Popular Culture
  • ANT309 World Ethnography
  • SS151 Anthropology and Environmental Issues

所属学会 Associations

  • Anthropology of Japan in Japan
  • American Anthropological Association
  • Japan Association of Language Teachers
  • International Pragmatics Association
  • International Cognitive Linguistics Association
  • Japan Anthropology Workshop






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