パーヴェウ・ ムオドコフスキー
Pawel Mlodkowski
ポーランド/ Poland
学位 分野・取得大学
修士(クラクフ大学) 博士(ヤギェウォ大学)/ M.A.( Cracow University of Economics), Ph.D. (Jagiellonian University)
経済学、金融論、会計学/ Economics, Finance, Accounting
Economics is philosophy of our times. It allows us to understand the world around us. Studying at MIU allows you to become global citizens. Registering for courses in Economics/Global Studies/International Business offers you not only an ability to properly understand contemporary international economic situations, but also an opportunity to become more conscious, active and responsible at the national level for the sake of the future of economy and society of Japan.
主な研究課題 Research Topics
Open Economy Macroeconomics, Global Monetary System, Monetary Integration, Economic Growth and Transactions
主な研究業績 Research Achievements
- book “Financial Accounting Computer – based Systems” (coauthor), Wolters Kluwer [first edition 2000,
most recent edition 2007] 130 pages - Non-European Monetary Unions. History and operations, PWN, Warszawa 2007, 234 pages.
Grants received
2004-2005: research grant offered by the Global Development Network (International Monetary Fund, the World
Bank and the government of Great Britain and Dutch Government) of 10 000 USD. The research topic: FISCAL
2010-2012: „Socio-Economic Cohesion and Modernization of Polish Economy” (project No. N N112 182836,
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland).
2014-2016: Dream Primary School – FURAP, The Research Council (project No. TRC584871284), Sultanate of Oman.
Journal editorships
Editorial Board Member, European Integration Studies, 2008 – present
Program committees
- Program Committee Member 2009, 2010, 2011 – Conference of the Japanese Economic Policy Association
- Program Committee Member 65th Conference of the International Atlantic Economic Society, Warsaw,
April 2008 - Program Committee Member 67th Conference of the International Atlantic Economic Society, Prague,
April 2009 - Program Committee Member 1st MECIT International Conference, Muscat, Oman, 22-23 of March 2011
- Program Committee Member 2nd MEC International Conference, Muscat, Oman, April 2014
Reviewer and referee
- 2nd MEC International Conference, Muscat, Oman, April 2014
- European Integration Studies
- Journal of Baltic Studies
Scientific papers
paper ” Exchange rate and trade balance ” in Poland, an econometric study, presented during conference on
International Trade Problems, Academy of Economics, Krakow and printed in conference materials (December),
pp. 249 – 259
- paper “Risks Involved in Public Debt Management” (Working papers Cracow`s Academy of Economics –
special edition) pp. 115 – 124 - paper “Interest rate policy by National Bank of Poland” , Nasz Rynek Kapitalowy (Our Capital Market)
(September), pp. 18 – 19 - paper “Money supply and level of inflation in Poland an econometric study ” Karvina, Czech Republic
– (December), pp. 205 – 214
- paper “Capital structure in internationalized corporations” presented at International Conference at
Banska Bystrica, Slovakia and published in conference materials (February), pp. 67 – 72 - paper “Capital structure in recession – case of Poland (I) ” ( a macroeconomic approach), Przeglad
Doradztwa Podatkowego (March), pp. 30 – 31 - paper “Capital structure in recession – case of Poland (II)” (a macroeconomic approach, Przeglad
Doradztwa Podatkowego (May), pp. 28 – 29 - paper “Central government tax revenue structure in Poland”, Przeglad Doradztwa Podatkowego (June),
pp. 22 – 24 - paper “The market of local government debt in Poland” (coauthor) presented at International
Conference in Bielsko Biala, Poland and published in conference materials (June), pp. 233 – 244
Papers in domestic and international peer and blind reviewed journals
- Polish school of Statistics&Econometrics in 2002, Wiadomości Statystyczne, Nr 2, 2005, pp. 80 –
85 - Fiscal convergence in Africa and the EMU’s experience – Gospodarka Narodowa, nr 1-2, 2006, pp. 19 –
36 - Limits for national fiscal policies in monetary union member countries, Ekonomista, 6/2006. pp. 791
– 803 - Bilateral trade balances of Poland 1993 – 2006, Contemporary Economics, 2/2009, pp. 1-12.
- Fiscal policy flexibility in a currency union, Folia Oeconomica Cracoviensia,Vol. XLVIII 2007, pp.
25 – 46 - Sharing seignorage in a monetary union, Ekonomista, 5/2007, pp. 67 – 89.
- Fiscal directives of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and the EMU’s fiscal convergence, Studia
Prawno-Ekonomiczne, Vol XXVII, No 2/2007 , pp. 43-68. - Monetary Integration and Foreign Exchange Reserves Management, Gospodarka Narodowa, 9/2008, pp.
22-40 - Monetary Union without Fiscal Convergence – Common Monetary Area, Ekonomista, Forthcomming
- Crowding-out effect in a small open economy – a new perspective, Gospodarka Narodowa, forthcomming
- Monetary Policy of the National Bank of Poland and substituting bank credit with trade credit,
Gospodarka Narodowa, 3/2008, pp. 1 – 18. - Capital Structure in Internationalized Corporations, Acta Economica No 12, Banska Bystrica 2002, pp.
67-73. - Similarity in Economy-Wide Reaction for Monetary Policy as another OCA Criterion. Monetary Policy
and Trade Credit, Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2008, pp. 5 – - Microfoundations in Monetary Union Modeling, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 14,
No. 4, November 2008, pp. 481-482. - Cooling Down Economy with Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union, The Soka Economic Studies Quartely,
Vol. XXXIX, No. 1, pp. 51 – 60. - Dividend policy in crisis – case of Japan 1991-2008, International Journal of Economic Policy
Studies, Vol 5, 2010, pp. 49 – 74. - Convergence in Monetary Policy Stance in the Pre-Integration Period. Case of Baltic States and
Poland, European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities, No. 3, 2009, pp. 121 – 126. - Market Position and Losses from Monetary Integration, Contemporary Economics, 3/4, 2009, pp. 53-63.
- A new theory of the crowding–out effect in the open economy, The Shogaku Ronso, Vol. 3, No.1,
December 2010 (SERNO.37), pp. 21-40. - Foreign Exchange Reserve Management in the EUROZONE and the Global Interest Rates, European
Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities, No 5, 2011, pp. 145-151. - Monetary Policy Stance of the EMU Countries in the Pre-Integration Period, Nierówności Społeczne a
Wzrost Gospodarczy, 2011, Vol. 19, pp. 31 – 43. - National Private Multi-Currency System Setup, International Japan Economic Policy Studies, Vol 6,
2011, pp. 23 – 42. - Performance of Capital Markets in the EU and in Turkey: Cointegration Analysis, European Integration
Studies: Research and Topicalities, No. 6, 2012, pp. 160 – 167. - The Role of Transactions Costs in Economic Growth, International Japan Economic Policy Studies, Vol
Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities, No 7, 2013, pp. 102-109
RELATIONSHIP”, European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities, No 8, 2014, pp. 48-55
[http://www.eis.ktu.lt/index.php/EIS/article/view/7014/3816]. - „COINTEGRATION OF MONETARY POLICY IN GCC COUNTRIES AS MEASURE OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION”, European
Integration Studies, No 9, 2015, forthcoming
Chapters in books
- Foreign Exchange Reserves Management. A New Approach [in] Poloucek, S. (ed.) Future of Banking after
the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic (Volume VIII Finance and Banking). Karvina:
Silesian University, 2003, (October) pp. 291 – 296 - Public Infrastructure Investment in Poland prior and after the EU accession, [in] Fiscal Policy and
Its Impact on Corporate Finance, prof. dr hab. Stanisław Owsiak (ed.), Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i
Finansów, Bielsko – Biała, pp. 404 – 411 - Transaction Costs Elimination due to EMU Accession [in] „Fiscal Policy and Its Influence on
Corporate Finance”, prof. dr hab. Jan Czekaj (ed.), Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów, Bielsko –
Biała, 2005 , pp. 404 – 411 - “Measurement of FISCAL POLICY FLEXIBILITY (FPF) in Monetary Union Member Countries”, [in] Poloucek,
S., Stavarek, D. (eds.) Future of Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic
(Volume X Finance and Banking). Karvina: Silesian University, 2005, pp. 1285-1298. ISBN
80-7248-342-0. - Convergence in monetary policy stance during pre-EMU period Case of Czech Republic and Poland, [in]
Poloucek, S., Stavarek, D. (eds.) Future of Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the
Czech Republic (Volume XI Finance and Banking). Karvina: Silesian University, 2007. - Similarity in Economy-Wide Reaction for Monetary Policy as Another OCA Criterion. Monetary Policy
and Trade Credit, [in] Poloucek, S., Stavarek, D. (eds.) Future of Banking after the Year 2000 in
the World and in the Czech Republic (Volume XI Finance and Banking). Karvina: Silesian University,
2007. - Risks Associated with Financing Investments with the European Commission Funds [in] Financial
Conditions for Regional Development after the EU Accession, prof. dr hab. Stanisław Owsiak (ed.),
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów w Bielsku – Białej, Bielsko – Biała 2007, pp. 67-77 - Divergence Tendencies Induced by Economic Integration and Achieving Socio-Economic Consistency with
the European Commission Funds, [in] SOCIAL INEQUALITIES AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, M. G. Woźniak (ed.),
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski-UE Kraków, Rzeszów 2008, pp. 185 – 197 - Utilization of the EU Funds and the Risk of Macroeconomic Destabilization – A Three-Gap Model for
Poland, VIII Kongres Ekonomistów Polskich, forthcomming. - Financial integration and the ability to conduct an independent monetary policy, In: POLOUCEK, S.
and STAVAREK, D. (ed.) Structural and Regional Impacts of Financial Crises. Proceedings of 12th
International Conference on Finance and Banking. Karvina : Silesian University, 2009, pp. 385-395.
ISBN 978-80-7248-554-3 - Monetary Policy during the Transformation of the Economic and Political System in Poland,
Nierówności społeczne a wzrost gospodarczy, No 17, 2010, pp. 78-89. - Modernization of Monetary Policy in Poland 1989–2011, in: POLISH ECONOMY 1990–2011, Transformation.
Modernization. Socio-Economic Cohesion, ed. M. G. Wozniak, Tom II, Modernizacja, Chapter 12, Warsaw
2012, pp. 369 – 394. - Pawel Mlodkowski. “Latecomer Gains from ICT in Higher Education in Kazakhstan”, IAICT-14, Elsevier
2014, pp. 43 – 48. - Pawel Mlodkowski, et.al., “ICT and environmentally friendly stock markets”, IAICT-14, Elsevier 2014,
pp. 88 – 92.
Papers co-authorship
- (co-authorship with Makoto Masui) Labor Market response to Monetary Policy in Japan 1957-2008, Japan
and the World Economy, under review.
Chapters in monographs – co-authorships
- chapter (co-authorship with S. Kalinova): Narrow Competences of the Logistics Department Manager as
a Barrier for Cost Controlling [in] Controlling in Corporate Management, prof. M. Sierpińska (ed.),
Vizja Press, Warszawa, pp. 63-68. - chapter (co-authorship with J. Kałużny): Achillo Racing with a Tortiose, a Paradox of an
Inconsistency between Information Needs and Controlling Systems [in] Controlling in Corporate
Management , prof. M. Sierpińska, Vizja Press, Warszawa, pp. 68 – 75. - (co-authorship with M. Sierpińska) Trade credit in Poland and trade credit theories. A cloth
industry case, [in] Enterprises, Entrepreneurship in the Face of Globalization and European
Integration – Economic, Legislative and Social Challenges, Universitas Messanae, AE Kraków, Kraków
2006, pp. 117 – 126 - (co-authorship with M Kij): Corporate Intelligence as a Source of Managerial Information, [in]
Information as a Basis for Efficient Management, prof. Jan Czekaj (ed.), Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i
Finansów w Bielsku – Białej, Bielsko – Biała 2006, pp. 170 – 177 - (co-authorship with z N. Sobecka): Potential for Spin-offs at the Warsaw Stock Exchange, [in]
Information as a Basis for Efficient Management, prof. Jan Czekaj (ed.), Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i
Finansów w Bielsku – Białej, Bielsko – Biała 2006, pp. 28 – 36 - (co-authorship with J. Kałużny): An Attempt to Solve the Incompatibility Problem in Controlling
Systems [in] Controlling Tools in a Corporation, prof. M. Sierpińska and A. Kustra (eds.), Vizja
Press, Warszawa 2007, pp. 22 – 32. - (co-authorship with M. Ogrodnik) Local Government Debt in Poland, [in] Public Finance and Poland’s
Accession to the EU, J. Ostoj (ed.), WSBiF, Bielsko-Biała 2003, pp. 233 – 244. - (co-authorship with Agata Sierpinska) Dividend Policy in Crisis. Case of Japan, In: POLOUCEK, S. and
STAVAREK, D. (ed.) Structural and Regional Impacts of Financial Crises. Proceedings of 12th
International Conference on Finance and Banking. Karvina : Silesian University, 2009, pp. 572-591.
ISBN 978-80-7248-554-3
Conferences attended with a paper (presented)
- Future of Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic, Karvina: Silesian
University, 2003. - Future of Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic, Karvina: Silesian
University, 2004. - Future of Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic, Karvina: Silesian
University, 2005. - Future of Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic, Karvina: Silesian
University, 2007. - Finanse publiczne a perspektywa integracji z Unią Europejską, WSBiF, Bielsko-Biała 2003.
- Informacja Ekonomiczno – finansowa, jako podstawa efektywnego zarządzania podmiotami gospodarczymi,
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów w Bielsku – Białej, Bielsko – Biała 2006. - VIII Kongres Ekonomistów Polskich
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski-UE Kraków, Rzeszów 2007. - Finansowe warunki rozwoju regionalnego po wejściu do UE, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów w
Bielsku – Białej, Bielsko – Biała 2007. - Polityka fiskalna i jej wpływ na finanse przedsiębiorstw, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów,
Bielsko – Biała, 2005. - Monetary Policy Challenges and Globalization, CEPR, NBP, Warszawa, wrzesień 2006.
- 65th Conference of the International Atlantic Economic Society, Warszwa, kwiecień 2008.
- THE 5TH ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT MEETINGS, Międzyzdroje, 02-04.06.2008
- „Systemy gospodarcze i ich ewolucja. W kierunku europejskiego jednolitego obszaru walutowego” AE
Katowice, 12-14 czerwca 2008 r. w Ustroń (Beskid Śląski) - „Problemy gospodarki światowej” MAKRO 2008 , AE Wrocław, 18 – 20 czerwca 2008, Szklarska Poręba.
Universität „Lvivska Polytechnika“ Institut für Wirtschaft und Management, 29-31 Mai 2008. - Warsaw International Economic Meeting, Department of Economics, Warsaw University, 5-6 July, 2008.
- 7th Conference of the Japanese Economic Policy Association, Kyoto, 6-7 December 2008.
OF KNOWLEDGE, Kowno, 24th April 2009. - VIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa, “Spójność społeczno-ekonomiczna a modernizacja gospodarki”,
UNIWERSYTET RZESZOWSKI, Wydział Ekonomii, Katedra Teorii Ekonomii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych,
Rzeszów 28-29 września 2009. - 8th Conference of the Japanese Economic Policy Association, Tokyo, 28-29 November 2009.
- Business and Management Conference, Vilnius (Giedyminas) Technical University, Vilnius, 15-16 May
2010. - IX International Scientific Conference, “Socio-Economic Consistency and Modernization of the
National Economy”, UNIWERSITY of RZESZOW, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economic Theory and
International Relations, Rzeszów 23-24 September 2010. - 9th Conference of the Japanese Economic Policy Association, WASEDA-Tokyo, 27-28 November 2010.
- 71st IAES Conference, Athens 16-19 of March 2011.
- 1st MECIT International Conference, Muskat, Oman, 22-23 of March 2011.
- 9th International Scientific Conference, “Legal, Political and Economic Initiatives Towards Europe
of Knowledge”, Europos Institutos, Kaunas University of Technology, 15th of April 2011. - 10th International JEPA Conference 19-20 November 2011, KWANSEI Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan.
CHOICES TOWARDS EUROPE OF KNOWLEDGE”, Europos Institutos, Kaunas University of Technology, 20th of
April 2012. - 11th International Scientific Conference, “POLITICAL AND ECONOMICAL CHALLENGES STIMULATING STRATEGIC
CHOICES TOWARDS EUROPE OF KNOWLEDGE”, Europos Institutos, Kaunas University of Technology, 26th of
April 2013. - 12th International Scientific Conference, “POLITICAL AND ECONOMICAL CHALLENGES STIMULATING STRATEGIC
CHOICES TOWARDS EUROPE OF KNOWLEDGE”, Europos Institutos, Kaunas University of Technology, 24th of
April 2014. - 13th International Scientific Conference, “POLITICAL AND ECONOMICAL CHALLENGES STIMULATING STRATEGIC
CHOICES TOWARDS EUROPE OF KNOWLEDGE”, Europos Institutos, Kaunas University of Technology, 27th of
March 2015.
担当授業科目 Courses Taught
Introduction to Economics, Foundations of Global Studies 2, International Business
所属学会 Associations
- European Economic Association
- Western Economic Association International