
国際教養学部 比較文化学科



小林 太

Futoshi Kobayashi


日本 Japan

学位 分野・取得大学

博士(テキサス大学オースティン校)/ Ph.D.(University of Texas at Austin)


教育心理学、社会心理学、異文化間の心理学、ポジティブ心理学/ Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Positive Psychology


Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

主な研究課題 Research Topics

  • Culture & Psychology
  • Fast Food Issues
  • Positive Psychology

主な研究業績 Research Achievements

  • Kobayashi, F. (2013). The Create-a-Game Assignment and English Teaching Ability of Japanese College
    Students. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 12(3), 253-258.
  • Kobayashi, F. (2012). Eating Fast Food Slowly? Cultural Usage and Meaning of Fast Food in America
    and Japan. Nutrition and Food Science, 42(6), 405-411.
  • Kobayashi, F. (2011). Japanese High School Students’ Television Viewing and Fast Food Consumption.
    Nutrition and Food Science, 41(4), 242-248.
  • Kobayashi, F. (2010). Television Viewing and Fast Food Intake of American and Japanese College
    Students. Nutrition and Food Science, 40(2), 204-208.
  • Kobayashi, F. (2009). Academic Achievement, BMI, and Fast Food Intake of American and Japanese
    College Students. Nutrition and Food Science, 39(5), 555-566.
  • Kobayashi, F. (2008). Searching for Cultural Psyche in Body Type Variance: American vs. Japanese
    Body Type Estimations. Nutrition and Food Science, 38(3), 249-255.
  • Kobayashi, F. (2007). Assessing Body Types, Diet, Exercise, and Sedentary Behavior of American and
    Japanese College Students. Nutrition and Food Science, 37(5), 329-337.
  • Kobayashi, F., Schallert, D. L., & Ogren, H. A. (2003). Japanese and American Folk Vocabularies
    for Emotions. Journal of Social Psychology, 143(4), 451-478.

担当授業科目 Courses Taught

  • PSY316 Educational Psychology
  • PSY315 Social Psychology
  • PSY320 Positive Psychology
  • PSY312 Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • IDS301 Research Methods 1: Data Collection
  • IDS302 Research Methods 2: Data Analysis
  • SS104 Introduction to Psychology

所属学会 Associations

  • American Psychological Association
  • Association for Psychological Science
  • Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
  • Japanese Psychological Association






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