Gregory Dunne
アメリカ/ U.S.A.
学位 分野・取得大学
博士 (ミズーリ大学コロンビア校) / Ph.D. (University of Missouri-Columbia)
米・英文学/ American and British Literature
At MIU, you have the maximum opportunity to develop your English proficiency and critical thinking skills through continual and constant contact with fellow students, faculty, and challenging subject matter. Such a stimulating and enjoyable education will prepare you for competent and confident interaction in the increasingly international and interdependent world.
主な研究課題 Research Topics
- American Poetry
- Creative Nonfiction: memoir, personal essay, and place narrative 19C American Literature
Translation, Transnational Studies
主な研究業績 Research Achievements
Books: Creative Nonfiction
Quiet Accomplishment, Remembering Cid Corman. Ekstasis Editions. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Forthcoming 2011.
Books: Poetry
- Home Test, Adastra Press, Easthampton, MA. USA. October, 2009.
- Fistful of Lotus. Elizabeth Forrest. 2002. Kyoto, Japan and Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Other/Wise. Isobar Press, Tokyo and London, 2019.
Work Published in Anthologies
- The Last Believer in Words, Poetry East, The Best of Poetry from the Pages of Poetry East – A
Twenty-Year Retrospective Edition. DePaul University, Chicago, Il. U.S.A. Two Poems. Spring 2000 - “Getting the Secret out of Cid Corman.” Who are the Rich and What Do They Say, Poetry East, The Best
of Prose – A Twenty -Year Retrospective Edition, DePaul University, Chicago, Il. U.S.A. Essay.
Winter 1999.
Chapters in Books
Dunne, Gregory and Tod Marshall. “A Talk with Robert Hass.“ Range of the Possible, Conversations With
Contemporary Poets. Eastern Washington University Press. Cheney, WA. U.S.A. 2002.
Book Contributions
- Strong, William. Writer’s Choice: Composition and Grammar. Glencoe Macmillan/MacGraw-Hill. 1994.
Contributor. - Okumura, Shohaku. Dogen’s Shobogenzo Bendowa. Kyoto Soto-Zen Center, 1993. Translation Assistant.
Literary Magazines
- “Dropping The Bow: Poems of Ancient India” Pacific Rim Review of Books, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Book
Review. Forthcoming, 2010. - “Summing Up That Force of Goodness: The Next One Thousand Years, The Selected Poems of Cid Corman”
Pacific Rim Review of Books, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Book Review. Winter 2009. Issue 10. - “The Fat Sheep Everyone Wants, Poems by Bern Mulvey.” http://manoabookreviews.blogspot.com.
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. U.S.A. Book Review 2008. - “Love’s Binding Force: Simmering Away, Songs from the Kanginshu.” Kyoto Journal, Perspectives on
Asia. Kyoto, Japan. Book Review. Autumn, 2008. Vol. 69. - “Home Test.” Poetry East, DePaul University, Chicago, IL., U.S.A. Poem. Spring, 2007.
- “Remembering Cid Corman, Part II.” Pacific Rim Review of Books, Victoria , B.C., Canada. Essay. Fall
2006. Issue 4. - “Where Do We Begin: Selected Letters of Cid Corman and Mike Doyle, 1967-1970.” Pacific Rim Review of
Books, Victoria , B.C., Canada. Book Review. Fall 2006. Issue 4. - “Remembering Cid Corman, Part I.” Pacific Rim Review of Books, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Essay. Spring
2006. Issue 2. - “A Conversation with Scott Cairns.” Image – A Journal of Art, Faith and Mystery. Seattle Pacific
University. Seattle, Washington, USA. 98119, Interview. Winter 2005. Vol. 56. - “Designing With Kanji.” Kyoto Journal, Perspectives on Asia. Kyoto, Japan. Book Review. Autumn,
2005. Vol. 60. - “In Praise of the Hot Japanese Summer,” & “Finder’s Keepers.” Poetry East, DePaul University,
Chicago, IL., U.S.A. Two Poems. Spring 2005. Vol. 54.
Literary Presentations
- Midwest Modern Language Association. November 12-15, 2009. St. Louis, Missouri. USA. “The Journey
Itself: Process and the Movement in Poetic Practice” Paper presentation. - Rhetoric & Transnationalism Conference.
April 25th, 2007. University of Missouri, Columbia Mo., U.S.A. “Transnational Poetics: The Insurgent
Act of Cid Corman’s Cultural Translation.” Paper Presented. - The Association of Writers and Writing Programs 20005 Annual Conference. March 30 – April 2, 2005.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Guest Panelist.“Writers, Translators, and Editors as Cultural
Representatives.”Sponsored by the Univ. of Hawaii’ International Literary Magazine, Manoa. Panel
Discussion. - The Association of Writers and Writing Programs 20006 Annual Conference. March 8th – 11th, 2006.
Austin, Texas, U.S.A. Moderating Panelist.“Celebrating the Life and Work of Cid Corman.” Panel
Discussion. - Get Lit! The 5th Annual Inland Northwest Literary Arts Festival. Spokane, WA. U.S.A. Invited Guest
Speaker, Panelist.. “Poetry In A Time of War.” April 2003. - “Celebrating Mark Twain’s Life on the Mississippi.” get lit! Annual Inland Northwest Literary Arts
Festival. Spokane, Wa. April 16, 2010. - “Dramatizing Ordinary Experience through Poetry.” get lit! Annual Inland Northwest Literary Arts
Festival. Spokane, Wa. April 17, 2010. - “Poetry Reading, Home Test” get lit! Annual Inland Northwest Literary Arts Festival. April 16,
2010. - “Writing From Wilderness: The Use and Extension of Keats’ ‘Negative Capability’ in the Poetics of
William Stafford.” Department of English, University of Missouri, Mini-Conference on Poetics.
Columbia, Mo. December 12, 2008. - “The Journey Itself: Process and the Movement in Poetic Practice” Midwest Modern Language
Association. November 12-15, 2009. St. Louis, Missouri. - “Transnational Poetics: The Insurgent Act of Cid Corman’s Cultural Translation.” Rhetoric &
Transnationalism Mini-Conference. University of Missouri, Columbia Mo., U.S.A. April 25th,
2007. - “Writers, Translators, and Editors as Cultural Representatives.” The Association of Writers and
Writing Programs 2005 Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. March 30th,
2005. - “Celebrating the Life and Work of Cid Corman.” The Association of Writers and Writing Programs 20006
Annual Conference. Austin, Texas. March 10th, 2006. - “Poetry In A Time of War.” get lit! The 5th Annual Inland Northwest Literary Arts Festival. Spokane,
WA. U.S.A. April 15th, 2003.
担当授業科目 Courses Taught
- LL316ASN380 American Literature
- LL307 World Literatures in English
所属学会 Associations
- The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
- The American Poetry Society
- TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- AWP ( Association of Writers and Writing Programs)
- MLA (Modern Language Association)