Jason Adachi
アメリカ/ U.S.A.
学位 分野・取得大学
修士(ハワイ大学)/ M.A.(University of Hawaii)
第二言語としての英語教育、視聴覚技術/ English as a Foreign Language, Audio-visual Technologies
Life will offer you many opportunities to improve yourself and to achieve your goals. but it is up to you to recognize those opportunities and to take advantage of them. MIU represents a tremendous opportunity to learn English, to learn about yourself, and to learn about the world. We are looking forward to showing you the way forward, and to helping you along the path. The only limits are your own determination and desire.
主な研究課題 Research Topics
Educational Technology and Media, Language, Culture and Identity
主な研究業績 Research Achievements
I frequently make presentation at conferences of the Kyushu Academic Society of English Language Education (KASELE) and publish in their journal.In addition to KASELE, I am a member of the national organization JASELE.
担当授業科目 Courses Taught
- ENG1 English 1
- A&C202 Japanese Thoughts and Arts
所属学会 Associations
Kyushu Academic Society of English Language Education (KASELE), Japan Academic Society of English Language Education (JASELE)