
国際教養学部 比較文化学科




Rebecca Schmidt


アメリカ/ U.S.A.

学位 分野・取得大学

修士(マッコーリー大学)/M.A. (Macquarie University)


第二言語としての英語教育/ English as a Foreign Language


If you believe you can do it, you can do it. There might be challenges, but you will succeed. I teach with this belief of ‘self-fulling prophesy’: all my students are capable of success.

主な研究課題 Research Topics

  • CEFR and language portfolios
  • Language Learning Motivation in and outside the classroom
  • Ludic language practices
  • CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning)

主な研究業績 Research Achievements

  • Development and Evaluation of a CEFR-J Based Classroom Activity.Rebecca Schmidt (Hiroshima Bunkyo Women’s University Journal. February 2018)
  • Aligning a Japanese University’s English Language Curriculum and Lesson Plans to the CEFR-J.Jack Bower, Judith Runnels, Arthur Rutson-Griffiths, Rebecca Schmidt, Gary Cook, Lyndon Luske Lehde, and Azusa Foale. Book chapter in Critical, Constructive, Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond. (September 2017)
  • The Key Questions at Bunkyo.Jack Bower, Arthur Rutson-Griffiths, Gary Cook, Rebecca Schmidt, Lyndon Luske Lehde, Azusa Foale, and Judith Runnels. Book chapter in Critical, Constructive, Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond. (September 2017)
  • From Rural Elementary Schools to the Modernized National University: Students and Teachers abound with Enthusiasm to Meet Visiting Teachers.Rebecca Schmid. (Teaching Helping Teachers Lao Program Newsletter. November 2016)
  • Collaborative Learning: Building English Learning Communities   Mathew Porter, Rebecca Schmidt and Kelly Rose (Hiroshima Bunkyo Women’s University Journal. December 2014)
  • What Can You Do to Make an Exceptional Classroom? (Rebecca Schmidt – Teachers Helping Teachers – JALT SIG Post-Conference Issue. Fall 2013)

担当授業科目 Courses Taught

  • Oral Communication
  • Academic Writing

所属学会 Associations

  • JALT- / JALT Special Interest Groups:  CEFR and Language Portfolio, Critical Thinking, CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), THT (Teaching helping teachers)






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