
国際教養学部 比較文化学科




Marc Alfred Waterfield


カナダ/ Canada

学位 分野・取得大学

博士(熊本大学)/ Ph.D. (Kumamoto University)


Professional Teacher Development; English Language Education


Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

-Charles R. Swindoll

There are no limits on our potential but those which we place on ourselves. Let's commit to striving for improvement. No limits, only potential!

主な研究課題 Research Topics

  • Professional Teacher Development Strategies and Approaches
  • Pedagogy
  • Language Teaching Methods and Theories
  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Karate-do as a Method for Health
  • Wellness and Lifelong Learning

主な研究業績 Research Achievements

  • A Case Study of an Independent Professional Development Project in a Japanese
    Private Secondary School

  • Teacher Development Through Mentorship

  • Finding a Place for Karate-do in Mainstream Education

  • Revitalizing Lesson Study in Japanese High Schools through Redefining the Process

  • Using Action Research in the Oral Communications Classroom (2011)

  • Guest Lecture Muroran ITU International Seminar at Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan (2019)

  • Teachers Working Collaboratively to Affect Positive Change in the Classroom: A Case
    Study of Four Japanese Teachers of English at IAFOR Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo, Japan

  • Using Action Research to Revise a Course Syllabus According to Students’ Needs in a
    Japanese Senior High School English Communications Course at Sojo University Teaching and
    Learning Forum (NanKyu JALT) Kumamoto, Japan (2016)

  • Kumamoto Prefectural Private School English Teachers’ Teacher Development Seminar,
    Workshop, & Pannell Discussion at Kumamoto Private School English Teachers Association,
    Kumamoto, Japan (2016)

  • Finding a Place for Karate-do in Mainstream Education at IAFOR Asian Conference on
    Education, Kobe, Japan (2015)

  • ACE ACSET 2015 featured presentation Power and Empowerment a Demonstration of
    Chito-Ryu Karate-do A Social Constructivist Approach Toward Teacher at International Academic
    Forum Asian Conference on Education Kobe, Japan (2015)

  • Learning: A Case Study Aimed at Revitalizing the Japanese Teacher Development Approach
    ‘Jugyokenkyu’, Internationally Recognized as Lesson Study at IAFOR Asian Conference on Education,
    Osaka, Japan (2014)
  • Teacher Collaboration for Professional Learning Through Lesson Study (Jugyokenkyu):
    A Case Study of a Japanese High School at 11th Asian TEFL International Conference, Manila,
    Philippines (2013)

  • Revitalizing Lesson Study in Japanese Senior High Schools through redefining the
    process: A case study atWorld Association of Lesson Studies International Conference, Singapore

  • Using Action Research in the Oral
    Communications Classroom at IAFOR Conference the Inaugural Asian Conference on Language
    Learning, Osaka, Japan (2011)

担当授業科目 Courses Taught

  • AW3 Introduction to Cultures of English-speaking Countries
  • ENG1 English 1
  • ENG2 English 2
  • RDG2 Reading 2
  • RDG3 Reading 3
  • PBL1 Regional Cultures of Japan 1
  • ST1 Senior Thesis 1

所属学会 Associations

  • EIKEN Foundation of Japan
  • JALT
  • JALT Teacher Development Special Interest Group
  • International Chito-Ryu Karate-do Federation (ICKF)
  • ALL Japan Karate-do Federation (JKF)
  • Saint Mary’s University Alumni






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