
モハマド・マレク Mohammad Malek


Evidence Based Policy Oriented Development Economics Research

By training and practice, I am an agricultural and development economist specializing in interdisciplinary evidence-based policy-oriented development economics research, mostly following randomized control trials (RCTs). Currently, I am leading Mahabub Hossain Panel Data (MHPD) project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the oldest household panel survey (1987-2023) in Bangladesh, which has already been used in more than 70 academic studies. I adopt state-of-the-art program evaluation techniques from micro econometrics, including quasi-experimental and non-experimental methods and machine learning solutions for empirical policy analyses. These days, I mostly follow neo-normal project management to implement field experiments and digital survey solutions to conduct household surveys in developing countries. My research projects got funding from ADB, ADBI, JSPS, 3ie, IGC, Gates Foundation, DFAT, etc. In recent years, I published articles in well-known journals, namely, Asian Development Review (2023), American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2022, 2018), World Bank Economic Review (2021), Journal of Development Economics (2020), Journal of Productivity Analyses (2019), Technology in Society (2017), etc. among others. Currently I am the Executive Committee Member for the Asian Society for Agricultural Economists (ASAE) and am the Associate Editor for Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE). I am also an invited Researcher at the Center for Research on Education and Program Evaluation (CREPE) at the University of Tokyo.  My recent empirical interests broadly  include digital/social innovations, climate resiliency and food systems, aging, poverty dynamics, etc.   More can be found at  Researchmap.jp.


  1. Christopher B. Barrett. Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi and Ummul Ruthbah. Experimental Evidence on Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume104, Issue1. January 2022, Pages 4-32. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12245. AJAE Outstanding Article Award 2022.
  2. Fafchamps M, Islam A, Malek MA and Pakrashi D. Can Referral Improve Targeting? Evidence from an Agricultural Training Experiment. Journal of Development Economics. Volume 144, May 2020, 102436.




Mohammad Malek

学位 分野・取得大学

博士(鳥取大学)/Ph.D. (Tottori University)


農業開発経済学/Agricultural and Development Economics







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